Manage PLR Attainment Errors
You can use the condition builder in the Attainments (PLR) grid to search for error or response codes that have been returned from the PLR request.

The errors you may encounter in the Error Code field in the Attainments (PLR) grid are described in the following table.
Error Code | Description |
WSEC0001 | Invalid request. The request was badly formed (XSD validation error) – this could include missing mandatory parameters, or invalid data types, including invalid or prohibited values in certain fields. |
WSEC0002 | Unknown request. The request refers to an operation which is not supported by the web service. |
WSEC0003 | Unknown organisation. The request contains an Organisation code which is either not recognised by the web service, or not authorised to access the web service functions. |
WSEC0004 | Out of hours. The request was received outside the operational hours of the web service. |
WSEC0005 | Incorrect Password. The Organisation Password is not correct. |
WSEC0006 | Insufficient Access. The Requesting Organisation is not allowed to access the web service. |
WSRC0017 | Record Count Incorrect. The value supplied for LearnerRecordCount does not match the number of Learners submitted. |
WSRC0018 | Unknown job. The value supplied for JobID does not correspond to a valid job. |
WSRC0030 | Batch Learner Verification Record Count Incorrect. The value supplied for LearnerRecordCount does not match the number of Learners submitted. |
WSRC0043 | The Awarding Organisation on the LRS is not configured to submit achievement batches. Please contact the LRS Customer Helpdesk on 0345 602 2589 for assistance. |
WSEC0044 | The Email address provided in the request is not valid. |
WSEC0045 | The Submission Type provided in the request is not valid. |
WSEC0046 | The number of Achievements in the request exceeds the maximum permitted. |
WSEC0047 | The request must contain at least one Achievement record. |
WSEC0999 or WCEC0999 | Unknown exception. This refers to an error which is the result of an internal system failure within the web service, rather than as a result of a badly formed request or business rule failure. |
WSEC0212 | Invalid Get type. |

The response codes you may encounter in the Response Codes field in the Attainments (PLR) grid are described in the following table.
Response Code | Description |
WSRC0001 | No match. |
WSRC0002 | Too many matches. |
WSRC0003 | Possible matches. |
WSRC0004 | Exact match. |
WSRC0005 | Learner successfully registered. |
WSRC0006 | Learner successfully updated. |
WSRC0007 | Batch Learner registration successfully submitted. |
WSRC0008 | Batch Learner registration incomplete. |
WSRC0009 | Batch Learner registration successful. |
WSRC0010 | Batch Learner registration failed. |
WSRC0013 | ULN has been updated since you last obtained the details. |
WSRC0014 | Invalid change of ‘Ability to share’ status. |
WSRC0019 | ULN not found for update. |
WSRC0020 | Learner not updated as no changes found. |
WSRC0021 |
This Response Code may have been caused by one of the following conditions:
WSRC0022 | Linked Learner found. The Learner details searched on belong to a Learner whose ULN Register record has been merged with another record – the Learner details returned belong to the Master record. |
WSRC0023 | ULNs for Report found. |
WSRC0024 | No ULNs for Report. |
WSRC0025 | Batch Learner Verification Incomplete. |
WSRC0026 | Batch Learner Verification Completed. |
WSRC0027 | Batch Learner Verification Failed. |
WSRC0028 | Batch Learner Verification Successfully Submitted. |
WSRC0029 | Batch Learner Verification Exceeds Limit. |
WSRC0031 | Batch Learner Verification Unknown Job. |
WSRC0042 | Achievement Batch Job successfully submitted. |
WSRC0055 | Invalid Request – Invalid VendorID. |
WSRC0056 | Invalid UserType. The user type passed in is not one of the allowed values. |
WSRC0088 | Invalid Request – Invalid Language. |
WSRC0099 | Invalid Request – Username not supplied. |
WSRC0201 | Linked learner found. |
WSRC0202 | Exact match found. |
WSRC0206 | Learner has not opted to share data. |
WSRC0208 | Learner could not be verified. |
The following sections also cover the various common errors found when using the PLR with steps to resolve them.

The debug for this error is as follows:
Error occurred during a call to external webservice.
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
This issue is due to the proxy server settings as the PLR module cannot get past the firewall.
To resolve this, see your college IT team to address the access restrictions.

The debug for this error is as follows:
Error occurred during a call to external webservice.
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Incorrect password
This issue is due to the incorrect password being used for the Certificate or the Password field in PLR/LRS institution settings.
To resolve this, replace the Password field value with the password supplied by the LRS.

The debug for this error is as follows:
Error occurred during a call to external webservice.
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The message with Action '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).
This issue is due to there being an incorrect URL in the Attainments (PLR) Web Service URL field in PLR/LRS institution settings.
To resolve this, replace the Attainments (PLR) Web Service URL field value with the URL supplied by the LRS.

The debug for this error is as follows:
Error occurred during a call to external webservice. System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Access to 'LSR9.GetLearnerRecord' refused.
This issue is due to you not being given access to the PLR Web Service.
To resolve this issue contact the LRS and request access.

The debug for this error is as follows:
Error occurred during a call to external webservice. System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
This issue is due to problems with the Personal & Trusted Root certificate folders.
To resolve this issue, reinstall the certificates.
Refer to PLR LRS Certificate Installation for further information.